What we do
We will manage and insure that each and every item found is properly and accurately billed. We make sure your aircraft remains a priority the entire time it is in maintenance and that you do not pay for unneeded overtime or cost overruns that you did not intend to pay for. We also review your bill line by line to insure you are not overcharged in anyway, not even for a single cotter pin. You can relax knowing that your aircraft will be delivered under budget and on time.
That said, the PRE-PURCHASE INSPECTION is based on the aircraft’s age, make and model. It is subject to routine inspections. A well-informed client will insist on full disclosure of inspection compliance, as well as the overall condition of the aircraft, so a pre-purchase inspection is ordered as a sale contingency, typically outlined in the purchase agreement.

The pre-purchase inspection is a key event in any business aircraft sales transaction. It must be properly planned, initiated, and monitored by a qualified individual representing the interests of the Buyer or the Seller, not both. If not, any number of events may arise and the sale could fail.
We will ensure:
- Only a competent facility with aircraft type knowledgeable technicians will partake in the inspection.
- Your aircraft is given full manpower and priority.
- That we advise our Client of the inspection depth and scheduling.
- Inspection work will start as scheduled. We will monitor all work to keep other jobs from delaying your inspection.
- Any aircraft components or previous maintenance that inspector deems to be a squawk, particularly a relatively expensive part to repair or replace, our rep wil be there to investigate the issue. It may not actually be an airworthiness, safety, or operability issue, which we would prove therefore saving our client thousands of dollars and delays.
- Assistance in finding the best location and lowest price of any aircraft part needed to pass the inspection.
- The inspection continues and completes without any unnecessary delays.
- A review of the list of discrepancies, eliminate any that should not be issues or are redundant.
- Advise our client of any discrepancies of concern and the cost to address or repair them.
- Also, a good maintenance records search is also able to provide you a list of what inspections and maintenance may be coming due after purchase for your early budgeting purposes.
- Our team will ensure that you, the Client, has a thorough understanding of the aircraft current maintenance condition, while minimizing the money spent in this discovery. In most cases, we recommend phase inspections or other interval inspections as recommended by the aircraft manufacturer, performed in a step by step process.