After 25 years in corporate aviation and some time in Law school at the Massachusetts School of Law .

I formed Global Aircraft Group in 2013 whose main objectives center on Certified Aircraft appraisals, Expert Witness at trial, and Business Jet Maintenance Consultation specifically overseeing Pre-Buy Inspections.

I have always had a passion for aviation. When I graduated from Wentworth Institute in Boston. I was ecstatic to start working with Lockheed California Company on the top secret F117 Stealth Fighter under Kelly Johnson.

Kelly Johnson other than Bill Lear, was one of the most influential pioneers in aviation history in my opinion. I was very thankful and happy to be a part of aviation history! There was so much advanced technology. It was, in hind sight, the perfect training for my next career in business aviation.

Speaking of Bill Lear, I was so thrilled when I was hired by Canadair/ Bombardier to work on the 600 series challenger business jets. This aircraft as many may know was Bill Lear,s concept aircraft and was way ahead of its time. I loved my time running second and third shift, two hangers, 70 plus technicians, road trips, pre buys, engineering issues-, never a dull moment. At home, I had a fantastic  wife and three sons that made it all worthwhile.

Of course, this amazing career in aviation did not just happen. When I first enrolled in the aircraft program at Wentworth Institute in Boston, I was told by several contemporaries that I would never find work in Aviation. In many ways the negativity was true. Delta airlines was turning away 100,000 plus applicants a year. Out of the 54 students that started in my program only half finished. Out of that number only about five of us had careers in aviation.

That said, with some stubbornness fueled with passion I pressed on. My program involved 40 hour a week of lab and lectures and testing. I also worked between twenty and 40 hours a week including vacations and full time during the summer. There have of course been many obstacles over the years, layoffs, recessions, 911, downsizing, and the like.

I firmly believe that a passion for aviation, and people is one of the most important factors to my success in aviation. Despite the original Nay Sayers I have worked in aviation in a way that I could not have imagined.

Today Global Aircraft Group has appraised tens of millions in assets for financial and legal institutions. Including insurance, estate, and tax planning. I do love solving complex problems while making new friends and networking.

Speaking of passion, you can find me at monthly Chapter 80 meetings of The Experimental Aircraft Association Omaha. I thoroughly enjoyed being co-chair in bringing the 1928 Ford Ti-Motor to Omaha. We sold 500 rides in three days. Money raised goes to scholarships for new and passionate aviators. Also, some evenings on amateur radio as N1NJY, mostly 80 meters as time permits. Weather permitting, cruise nights and airshows with my 56 Chevy named “Willin.”  Speaking of airshows besides Oshkosh is the Mid Atlantic Airshow in Reading PA with the 26th Yankee Division where I took my first B17 flight on Yankee Lady stationed in Michigan.  Lastly, working to finish my sports pilots license and maybe an RV 12!  Did I mention I love to appraise War Birds!

Quote: ‘If black boxes survive air crashes, why don’t they make the whole plane out of that stuff.” George Carlin

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